
International Accreditations

The importance of affiliation with the top international associations in the world of the Hypnosis industry is obvious for any serious training academy offering professional services.

• It gives the student peace of mind to train with a curriculum of the highest standards.
• It makes a large pool of relevant information available.
• It offers students and graduates the opportunity to have international membership
• International membership opens many doors should you wish to practice outside of South Africa.
• It gives the individual looking for a professional hypnosis practitioner peace of mind to choose from the best referral site.

International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association

SAIH members are able to access the IMDHA

Ulimited Human Digital Magazine

Founded in 1986, the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association® is the largest Hypnosis organization focusing on Hypnosis and Healthcare. It is designed to be a Referral Service of Certified Members to healthcare providers as well as the general public. Members are required to graduate from an approved school of hypnotherapy, completing our minimum educational requirements, and earning 30 continuing hours each year to maintain membership. As an interdisciplinary organization, IMDHA provides an opportunity to learn from and interact with colleagues in diverse holistic healthcare disciplines. This allows for a cross fertilization of ideas and applications that meshes neatly with current trends, such as mind-body-spirit health and integrative medicine.

General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

The General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) and General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR) are the UK’s largest and most prominent organisations within the field of Hypnotherapy and together present an exemplary model for the simultaneous protection of the public and the provision of practitioner credibility and services. To ensure that the profession continues to build upon our excellent foundation, the GHSC maintains robust assessment and validation criteria for both Training Schools and Practitioners.

The Hypnotherapy Certification incorporating Parts Therapy course offered by the South African Institute of Hypnotism and Mastermind Training Centers has been assessed and accredited at Practitioner Level by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK). Graduates from this course are eligible for professional registration with the General Hypnotherapy Register at full Practitioner status, together with the acquisition of the industry-based award – the General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP).

The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy

The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (APHP)
APHP was established as a non-profit association in 1999 and has been running for 22 years with the aim of maintaining high standards within the professional arena of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy. As well as individual membership, we also have listed several schools who we vet and check for first class standards in hypnotherapy training. 

Students at the prestigious South African Institute of Hypnotism are automatically entitled to student membership of our accrediting body.