
Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ about Hypnosis

Once an idea has been fully accepted by the subconscious mind it will remain. That is partly the reason why it is so difficult to overcome habits. For example, the smoker may have the subconscious belief that smoking the cigarette will relax him, reward him, or will help him to overcome shyness when with other people – then these beliefs are fixed and it can be extremely difficult to override these programs with willpower and discipline. Therefore, if a new idea is fully accepted and there is no contradicting belief system, it will remain for good.

We need to make a distinction between the clinical hypnotherapist, who needs to be a qualified psychologist, and the “non-medical” hypnotherapist. For medical aid to recognize a treatment, the hypnotherapist needs to be registered with a practice number. This is not a requirement for a non-medical hypnotherapist. The exception is for practitioners trained with SAIH’s speciality course that includes smoking cessations. GENESIS medical scheme members can use their account for smoking cessations. Please contact GENESIS directly.  

As mentioned, all hypnosis really is self-hypnosis and we enter this state naturally. However, if one is not aware of the difference between the states, one usually continues to question whether one actually is in hypnosis or not.  It is best to train these natural skills with a professional who can explain how the mind works, answer questions, explain what to expect and most importantly, assist the person to get into and understand this powerful state. This is why we offer regularly courses in “Self-Mastery through Auto Hypnosis”, a one-day workshop during which anyone can be initiated into the use of self-hypnosis. We also have a range of audio programs available which can assist. When you listen to any random hypnosis audio programs on the internet you might not be able to recognize subtle messages. It is therefore advisable to be cautious with what messages one is ready to program one’s mind. This is precisely why it is beneficial to understand self- hypnosis. Self-hypnosis can be extremely beneficial, but for deep underlying issues the assistance of a professional hypnosis practitioner is advisable.

It is through regression (going back in time) in hypnosis that clients have the opportunity to uncover the original cause and onset of their concerns. Although there are other techniques that can be successful, regression offers understanding of the original happenings and therefore brings understanding.  The is an advanced technique which should be facilitated by a professional practitioner. At SAIH we include various others aspects with regression to ensure that the client has the opportunity to complete understanding and healing. A process that oftentimes changes the client’s life for the better – for good.

It is said that Hypnotherapy is the fastest therapy there is. The number of sessions depends on a variety of factors and as a guideline it is best to expect about three sessions (per concern). The duration can vary from 1 to 2 hours or more.  After the first session, which includes a pre session consultation, it is much easier to assess how well the client responds to hypnosis. 

Past Life Regressions are fascinating and can bring a lot of healing and – confusion, if not facilitated in a proper manner. The practitioner needs to be well trained to take a person into hypnosis and equally important, what to do when the client is connected to another life experience. In the natural state of Hypnosis unprofessional facilitation can easily lead to “making up” an experience.

This is an advanced technique which requires thourough knowledge of regression techniques. It is for this reason that we train Past Life Regression and Soul Journeys (Life between Lives) as one of the later modules.  Although it can happen that a client spontaneously connects to other lives but usually clients require a preparation session. 

Stop smoking, or smoking cessations are one of the better- known applications of hypnosis practices with well documented results.  Practitioners trained with SAIH’s speciality course that includes smoking cessations will display the GENESIS medical scheme logo with their referral entry. GENESIS medical scheme members can use their account for smoking cessations. Please contact GENESIS directly.  

A simple definition of hypnosis is that it is a state of increased concentration, focus, accompanied by a state of deep relaxation and suggestibility. A perfectly natural state, which we all go through at least twice a day, just before we fall asleep and just as we are waking up.

You want to ensure that the person you trust with your personal concerns has had professional training, is bound by a Code of Ethics and preferably belongs to a reputable umbrella organization. At SAIH, our members also have to provide annual CPE points (Continuous Professional Education).

Most members of the South African Institute of hypnotism have been trained through our affiliated Mastermind Training centers. This training has been provided since 1998 and this long track record speaks for itself.

When contacting a practitioner for sessions, you can ask all relevant questions which a reputable person will not hesitate to answer in detail and to your satisfaction. It is very important that you feel comfortable with your practitioner of choice. 

It can well be that the “pain” you might have encountered (or witnessed) in the past instils fear for the future and that outweighs the “pleasure” of having a relationship. Often the “negative” belief systems are unconscious, we are not aware of the deep inner programs which run our behaviour. This can be explored, examined and reassessed.

A skilled Hypnosis Practitioner can assist in bringing about the desired change. Weight issues usually have an underlying problem of which the person oftentimes is unaware. That is why Hypnosis can be valuable. There are no known side effects or concerns with regards to the use of Hypnosis. As to the structure of the sessions, rates and success rates, please consult directly with the practitioners of your choice.

Training FAQ

Do not expect to go to sleep or lose touch with reality. You will be aware of what is happening and able communicate with the practitioner. You are still able to discern what is being suggested and naturally reject what goes against your deepest beliefs and morals. What you have seen on stage shows is for entertainment reasons and has nothing to do with what happens in the practice of a professional facilitator. 

Yes. The entry-level course SELF MASTERY THROUGH AUTO HYPNOSIS is beneficial to ANYONE of almost any age group. You will also have a much better understanding whether the training to qualify as a hypnosis practitioner is for you.

Most people struggle to learn Self Hypnosis from books or audio programs because it is vital to experience the state of hypnosis in order to recognize it.

This course is very practical, and although it is the entry level for the hypnosis training it is also a stand-alone workshop from which you will benefit for the rest of your life when you keep practicing.

Until early 2000 the IMDHA (International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association) issued certification for Clinical Hypnotherapist to those who met their standards of qualification. It was in those years that the term received more attention and the directive from IMDHA was to make the wording “clinical” obsolete as it refers to a combination of hypnosis with psychotherapy, to treat or manage medical, psychological, behavioural and lifestyle problems.
Naturally SAIH (The South African Institute of Hypnotism) had to follow this and other directives such as to frequently increase study hours and adhere to a “Continuous Professional Education” (CPE) program for our members.
SAIH and its training schools are affiliated to the IMDHA and also to the UK based APHP (Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy) as well as the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council) and fully support the upkeep of the highest standards of non-medical hypnotherapy.
GHSC stance within the diverse field of hypnotherapy organisations is a committed and authoritative body dedicated to the monitoring of their registrants and the protection and well-being of the public who use their services. Their founding principle is the ethical promotion of hypnotherapy as a profession in its own right, separate from, the other ‘talking therapies’ of counselling, psychotherapy and clinical psychology.
The purpose of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association® (IMDHA) Standards of Practice Act is to define the scope of practice for its members. The organization realizes that a certain percentage of its members work with hypnosis as their primary vocation and others work with hypnosis as an adjunctive modality or “blend” with other professions such as: Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Psychotherapy, Medical Professions, Dentistry and Holistic Healing, etc.
A professional non-medical hypnosis practitioner does not treat, prescribe for, or diagnose any condition.

In order to clarify the standards of practice for our members, IMDHA has established three categories titled: Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3. (https://www.hypnosisalliance.com/imdha/standards.php)
Scope 1 refers to the IMDHA member whose sole practice is hypnosis. Members are not licensed or certified in any other profession and are trained to work independently in the field of hypnosis. These individuals are facilitators of hypnosis and their primary function is to assist clients in achieving wellness.
It is recommended that the client sign a “Consent to Receive Hypnosis’ form and that the member have a “Disclosure/Consent” form.
The practitioner is a facilitator of hypnosis and is not practicing any other profession that requires a license under the laws and regulations of the state or province in question.
These professionals are trained to work independently and also in a complementary manner with physicians, counsellors and healthcare professionals. When working with other professionals, the client is to sign and date a “Records Release” form that gives the hypnotist and complementary care professional(s) permission to discuss the client’s case. Anything beyond this scope of practice will be referred to another professional.
Hypnosis Practices are not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological services or counselling.
SAIH acts as a voluntary self-regulating umbrella body and endorses only client centred, non-medical hypnosis training and practices which strictly adhere to guidelines and in line with their affiliated bodies which includes that any form of “leading” or “advising” the client is strictly prohibited. No activity directed to the mental or physical examining of any person or to the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any mental or physical defect, illness or deficiency are part of a non-medical hypnosis practitioner’s scope of practice.
Graduate members of SAIH are to ensure as far as possible that wherever an aspect of the client’s condition is either known or suspected to be in the medical scope the client be advised to seek medical or other appropriate advice.
The natural state of hypnosis is a state of awareness which assists the client to re-evaluate their inner dynamics and responses to stimuli. Since all hypnosis is self hypnosis, the client centred hypnosis practitioner creates a space in which a client can do this with enhanced focus, usually after being reconnected with their own, already existing resources. Hence any insights, awareness and understandings come from the client himself.

In principle we all have the talent to be hypnotized, but we also might have our set of reasons (known or unknown to us) why we would resist this useful state.  During the pre-session consultation with your facilitator of choice any of your concerns will be discussed until you feel at ease and have developed a rapport with your practitioner. 


The ideal candidate only needs to bring a sincere wish to participate. Again, a skilled hypnosis practitioner will understand whether his client should be approached through his enhanced ability of imagery or via his analytical thinking. Highly analytical people usually are very good subjects once they understand that they always maintain control and are in charge at any given time.

There is no guarantee for any modality or therapy to always work. The first session will establish quickly whether the client and practitioner are suited to each other and whether the client is indeed willing and open to change. Fear of being hypnotized will prevent the client from entering this natural state, but a good facilitator will dispel the myth and create a foundation of trust which is necessary.


Definitely motivation! If a client, for example, attempts to change a behaviour because others have asked him to, it is questionable whether a lasting success will be achieved. Prospective clients also need to be very honest with themselves, as they may have a “secondary gain” from their behaviour, symptoms or habit. For example, a person with chronic pain may on the one hand wish to be free of it and on the other hand fear losing the attention he receives because of the symptoms.