

The benefits of non-medical, client centred hypnosis practices are too numerous to list, either by itself or as a complementary adjacent technique with other modalities.  Just the effects or profound relaxation, which usually accompanies professional hypnosis practices have long been known to help with anxiety and stress, which is often a contributing factor. It is now common knowledge that relaxation techniques can influence brain chemistry which can have a positive influence on the release of stress chemicals into the bloodstream simply by counteracting some of the effects of these chemicals. These relaxed states also can be helpful with pain management, for example for easier childbirth.

According to the IMDHA, there are no known issues where the appropriate hypnosis technique faciliated by a professional practitioner will not bring at least some relief.

In a relaxed focused state of attention clients are better enabled to come up with their own conclusions and solutions. A client centred, non-medical hypnosis practitioner is guiding the client through imagery or visualizations to reconnect with their inner resources.  Such sessions are conducted within the client’s reference and can assist eliciting the client’s own intuition or “inner knowing” promoting trust to this inner guidance and support to bring relief or altogether freedom from the problem.

Spiritual aspects of hypnosis practices can prove useful for connection to higher self, soul journeys, spiritual alignment, and even past lives can be explored.

What Is Non Medical Hypnosis?

Until early 2000 the IMDHA (International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association) issued certification for Clinical Hypnotherapist to those who met their standards of qualification. It was in those years that the term received more attention and the directive from IMDHA was to make the wording “clinical” obsolete as it refers to a combination of hypnosis with psychotherapy, to treat or manage medical, psychological, behavioural and lifestyle problems.

Naturally SAIH (The South African Institute of Hypnotism) had to follow this and other directives such as to frequently increase study hours and adhere to a “Continuous Professional Education” (CPE) program for our members.



SAIH and its training schools are affiliated to the IMDHA and also to the UK based APHP (Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy) as well as the GHSC (General Hypnotherapy Standards Council) and fully support the upkeep of the highest standards of non-medical hypnotherapy. 

GHSC stance within the diverse field of hypnotherapy organisations is a committed and authoritative body dedicated to the monitoring of their registrants and the protection and well-being of the public who use their services. Their founding principle is the ethical promotion of hypnotherapy as a profession in its own right, separate from, the other ‘talking therapies’ of counselling, psychotherapy and clinical psychology.


The purpose of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association® (IMDHA) Standards of Practice Act is to define the scope of practice for its members. The organization realizes that a certain percentage of its members work with hypnosis as their primary vocation and others work with hypnosis as an adjunctive modality or “blend” with other professions such as: Therapeutic Touch, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Psychotherapy, Medical Professions, Dentistry and Holistic Healing, etc.


In order to clarify the standards of practice for our members, IMDHA has established three categories titled:  Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3.


Scope 1 refers to the IMDHA member whose sole practice is hypnosis. Members are not licensed or certified in any other profession and are trained to work independently in the field of hypnosis. These individuals are facilitators of hypnosis and their primary function is to assist clients in achieving wellness.

It is recommended that the client sign a “Consent to Receive Hypnosis’ form and that the member have a “Disclosure/Consent” form. 

The practitioner is a facilitator of hypnosis and is not practicing any other profession that requires a license under the laws and regulations of the state or province in question.

These professionals are trained to work independently and also in a complementary manner with physicians, counsellors and healthcare professionals. When working with other professionals, the client is to sign and date a “Records Release” form that gives the hypnotist and complementary care professional(s) permission to discuss the client’s case. Anything beyond this scope of practice will be referred to another professional.

Hypnosis Practices are not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological services or counselling.

SAIH acts as a voluntary self-regulating umbrella body and endorses only client centred, non-medical hypnosis training and practices which strictly adhere to guidelines and in line with their affiliated bodies which includes that any form of “leading” or “advising” the client is strictly prohibited. No activity directed to the mental or physical examining of any person or to the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any mental or physical defect, illness or deficiency are part of a non medical hypnosis practitioner’s scope of practice.

Graduate members of SAIH are to ensure as far as possible that wherever an aspect of the client’s condition is either known or suspected to be in the medical scope the client be advised to seek medical or other appropriate advice.  

The natural state of hypnosis is a state of awareness which assists the client to re-evaluate their inner dynamics and responses to stimuli. Since all hypnosis is self hypnosis, the client centred hypnosis practitioner creates a space in which a client can do this with enhanced focus, usually after being reconnected with their own, already existing resources. Hence any insights, awareness and understandings come from the client himself.